February 16, 2022

Two Rules That Make all the Difference: Attention to Detail and Sound Logistics

In business, best practices are paramount to success. At Colonial, we are well versed in best practices to successfully market mattresses and are committed to making sure we help you reach customers and realize substantial sales. As an industry leader in marketing, we have identified rules that turn around marketing mistakes and help prevent future ones. In this article, we are highlighting two of these mistakes and how our rules can turn them around. 

Mattress Marketing Mistake #7: Your company approaches the mattress business with only the big picture in mind. A nice-looking mattress is what counts most, not the “little things” surrounding them. They believe customers are best captured with the overall look so being concerned with the details is not “time well spent.”  

At Colonial, we know that the little things are what help make impressions that drive sales. Without a doubt, a quality mattress that looks good on the outside it what customers want, but if your mattress is not presented in an effective manner, the impression you desire will not be made. Well-appointed mattress dressings, clear signage that highlights important marketing points and an overall attractive and eye-catching display will reinforce that you are offering a quality product that your prospective customers will look forward to learning about and purchasing. Little things really do matter, so that is why we always apply the rule, “the devil is in the details.”  

Mattress Marketing Mistake #9: Your company knows it is important to have quality mattress dressings, signage and other marketing materials, but is not as concerned with logistical matters once these selections are made. They trust that everything will arrive when it needs to and all will be well. 

In a perfect world, all orders are received and processed in a timely manner, they are shipped on time and arrive in good condition when promised. Experts know the key to all of this happening is sound logistics. Colonial has a strong command of logistics and is diligent in managing the coordination of all aspects involved with your mattress displays. We make sure that products are ordered correctly, packaged properly and shipped where and when they need to be shipped. We work hard to ensure all parts of the display arrive when the mattress samples arrive, and the display is assembled in a timely manner. We carefully manage all of the logistics so you can focus on selling your mattresses.  

At Colonial, we are committed to helping you market your mattresses in a clear, effective manner that helps you deliver strong sales and happy customers. We established our rules so clients know what to expect when working with us and to ensure we deliver results. We have 12 rules that we follow in our business and shared two in this article. We welcome the opportunity to share our other rules with you! 

Don't Miss it. Exclusive Research into the Shopping Habits of Mattress Consumers

Gain informative insight into the decisions and influences of potential mattress shoppers in our exclusive research.

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We understand the challenges in today’s mattress marketplace. We ask a lot of questions and listen carefully to your answers. We know you will ask many questions of us as well.
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Colonial LLC
536 Townsend Ave.
High Point, NC 27263
(336) 434-5600
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